The final stretch of Aliki Martin and the Chocolate Cartel

After a lot of writing, rewriting, and balancing key moments across Chapters 11, 12, and 13, I’m happy to say the final act is nearly complete. Chapter 14 is in progress, which means the first full draft of the book is almost finished. That’s a big milestone.
The draft of Chapter 2 is finished and posted!

The plot is thickening! Writing it felt like piecing together an intergalactic puzzle, but it’s all starting to click.
Chapter 1 (draft) is completed!

As a plotter, I love creating outlines that start as faint ideas and gradually grow into detailed scenes. However, the real challenge comes when it’s time to fill in the gaps—those transitions between scenes that feel so natural in my head but are trickier to write. Often, it’s the little moments, the way a character […]